Our Work

School Outreach, Training of young advocates, Indoor Training, Day of the African Child, International Women’s day, Community Outreach, Zero tolerance day, FGM Media Award, US Summit, Dakar Summit etc.

School Outreach

A sensitization project carried throughout schools in Gambia to raise awareness on FGM, Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy and GBV. 

Training of Young Advocates

 An intensive training on FGM, GBV, Child Marriage and Teenage pregnancy carried out in all regions.

Indoor Training

 A two-month training program for young students on issues that affect their daily lives. 


Day of the African Child 

A day dedicated to children to showcase their talent through art or speak out on issues affecting them on media platforms (TV, Radio, Print)

International Women’s Day 

A day to celebrate women all across the globe for all their significant work which largely goes unnoticed. 

Zero Tolerance Day 

Safe Hands commemorates this day every year by renewing our stance and commitment towards ending FGM. 

FGM Media Award

 A special day dedicated to reward the tireless activists working daily to ensure FGM, GBV and Child Marriage are a thing of the past in Gambia. 

Community Outreach 

A project targeted at reaching communities in Gambia for sensitization on GBV, FGM, Child Marriage and Teenage pregnancy. 


US Summit

 A summit organized to facilitate cross-sectoral approach in the US and Internationally to ending FGM. 


Dakar Summit 

The First African Summit on FGM and Child Marriage organized to reinforce the bridge between Africa and the rest of the world to promote an accelerated implementation of a zero-tolerance policy on FGM and Child Marriage. 


Safe Hands for Girls on Youtube